Customs Brokerage Agency specialized in providing/arranging/managing/ services for the export/import processes, customs transit and international trade consultancies. We are part of Trading Group International S.A.S


We generate customs solutions to bring the world closer to your hands, with reliability and innovation, ensuring the generation of value for stakeholders.


Be recognized as global leaders in innovative processes in the foreign trade sector.

Our Enterprises

We are leaders of the sector in Colombia

Logistics Integrators of each step in the cargo supply chain with our own resources.

Customs Brokerage Agency specialized in arranging/managing services for the exportation/importation processes, customs transits and foreign trade consultancies.

Port operators, experts in automated bagging of bulks next to vessel or in warehouse.

Port Operators for the management of bulk cargos through the different ports in Colombia.

Industrial user of Barranquilla’s free trade zone services.

Technified warehouses for the management of solid bulks, with a storing capacity of 22.000 tons in a 7.128 m2area.

National Ground Transport Company.

A multipurpose port on the Magdalena River in the department of Cesar, Colombia.

Cargo mobilization solutions through our own vehicles.

Economic indicators

US Dolar/Pesos COP


Euro/Pesos COP


Euro/US Dolar




Our Associates


Carrera 61 No. 66-75 | PBX: (5)3360410 Extensión 107

Calle 20 No. 82-52 Oficina 335 Centro Empresarial Hayuelos | Tel.: (1)3596053 - (1)3567617

Calle 7 No. 3-11 Oficina 1204 Edificio Pacific Trade Center | Tel.: (572)2413704


Carrera 25 No. 25 A 32 Oficina 803 Piso 4 Barrio Manga | Cel.: (+57) 320 5679671

Santa Marta

Calle 11 No. 1C-23 Edificio Posihueica Oficina 308-309 | Tel.: (5)4232837